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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  January 29, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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make your bed. are you free now on that front? >> do you have a special team for the dog or are you doing that? >> how many decisions do you have to make a day? >> can't count them. >> i sure did not. i thought we were going to get two swings. >> this is pretty cool. >> have you gotten lost here yet? >> i have, repeatedly. >> let's change the subject? >> jobs. >> we can talk about afghanistan right now. >> we thought the interview was over. our producer suggested one more question. >> the crashers, by now you must know. >> it's really a shame i had to go through a 60 minute interview to talk about the gated crashers. >> i don't know if you saw this cartoon. let's take a look at it. >> sean: only thing missing is a group hug. there used to be a time that anybody could worst hear i'm mike wallace from 60 minutes.
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i want an interview. i hope you are taking notes for aspiring journalists is that how you endear yourself to the white house. that is how you get the interview. obviously, i've never had one. greta is next for on the record. gretta, take it away. >> greta: tonight egypt could be on the brink of collapse. the chief says protests could send the country into too late chaos. hillary clinton is here to talk about the feared collapse. plus is it deja-vu? slamming rush limb bar zblau i am not going cut the additional kregs ear budget which, by the way, is not out of control despite what you hear on fox news. >> what is he is talking about?
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to call lawmakers on discretionary spending. >> if you have one or two media outlets, let's have a debate about this then you have to attack them. the bottom line i think it always back fires. >> here assault guy who just sold tv to al-jazeera who gets an undetermined funding from the country from qatar that gets money from oil reserves. there is a contradiction in it? >> i disagree with it. i think al-jazeera has long established it's an effective news gathering organization. >> it's a country that bases its wealth on fossil fuels and you targeting climate change, is there a bit of hypocrisy of it?
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>> i disagree with it. >> i think you find it funny. he made hundred million. >> he is 3500 votes of being president of the united states. i think this is very unamerican thing to have done, to give al-jazeera a foothold in this country is unamerican. >> we knew there were endangered people in and around benghazi and we knew there were loose weapons. part of what we were doing there was trying to get leads on recovering those loose weapons. we knew there were smuggling routes that go into egypt and sinai. there were important reasons why we were there, not just the state department but other government agencies. whether or whether we go back will depend on the security situation. >> greta: all that and much more ahead. first on the heels of president obama blasting rush limbaugh and fox news, democratic strr mary
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landreiu and taking a shot at fox. >> i am not going to cut the discretionary budget why, by the way, is not out of control despite what you hear on fox news. >> greta: is this going to continue? former speaker newt gingrich joins us. apparently president obama and landrieu, fox man is the straw man? >> it's very different arguments. mary's argument with all due respect to senator, is nuts. the idea that discretionary spending is not too high? the idea that this government is not too big? the idea isn't too large? this is not a fox news problem. this is a washington politician problem. i think they can try to find somebody else to blame all they want to. she has to go back home and explain why she is failing as a
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senator to do her job. in the senate when has no, sir passed a budget for three years. >> greta: i don't understand, both the president calling out fox and senator landrieu calling out fox even though it's fully in a 300 million plus country. we have three or four million viewers a night at a given time. why are they so terrified. they keep bringing up fox news. >> i think they are so used to having an elite media which protects them. it drives them crazy to have somebody who stands up and tries to explore the facts. i think they also believe they have a chance to browbeat fox and sort of shove fox in line to behave as much like a passive
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supporter and so much else the media has become. >> greta: they are not going to do that. more they cross out, we sit here and look like, do under their skin so much. i know, they think our work is bad. we call them out on things. it gets under their skin a lot? >> in president obama's case, he really operates in a world based on alinski's principles for radicals. he needs the other. >> greta: i don't get it. they come up with fox news as being their big enemy. >> i think the truth is they are very frightened that the core of the american people will look at the details of what is going on and -- i'll give you an example. john boehner has come up with a proposal if you don't pass the budget you don't get paid. it has hit a nerve.
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now, they are going back home with three out four americans, if you are not going to do a job we're not going to pay you. that is not where barack obama wants to go. i think he is really concerned, not just about fox news but about talk radio and conservative blogs that there is a world out here that he can't control that communicates to the american people who as they learn the facts are much less likely to support his policies. >> greta: so, the other people the expenditure aspect of that. i suppose every other president before president obama did this, but the president gave a speech on immigration reform in nevada. he took air force one all the way up to nevada and gave a speech and brought it back. i suppose every president did that before him, but these are tough economic times for american people. it doesn't set a good example. >> i don't have a problem with it.
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i think it would be fascinating reported weekly how much they spent running around the country. i think you want presidents to travel. i never object to a president who goes to camp david because i think frankly the job is so crushing. >> greta: i totally agree. >> and i like the president being out with the american people. any president, whoever it is, but i did think it was interesting today. this is real test of immigration. i believe we're going to be able to work our way toward some kind of common sense practical steps, many which i campaigned on a year ago. it will be interesting to see if obama deliberately steps in to try to stop it by raising the antoe. >> greta: why would he do that? he says he wants immigration reform. nobody is going to get everything they want. >> here is question. does he want to see the republicans in a bipartisan way get credit for fixing something
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which no president has been able to fix? or does he want to raise the stakes to have the issue in 2014? we'll see in the next two weeks which future he decides on. >> greta: he can't run again. even if was some political motive, think he would rather see something done? >> anything he has done he has tried to force republicans into a weak position in 2014. >> greta: al gore, he recently -- you laugh -- he made about hundred million dollars for selling his tv station to al-jazeera they are funded by the oil rich nation qatar. so doesn't make a hypocrisy.
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>> it bases it's wealth and you targeting climate change, isn't there a bit of hypocrisy in it? >> the criticism, i agree with, because this network has established itself. it's objective. it's one major awards in countries around the world. it's climate coverage has been outstanding and extensive. >> greta: what do you think. i don't think they tried to hide the political point of view, granholm, democratic governor of michigan and democratic governor of new york and joy hehar made their objectives recently. >> i don't think it's al-jazeera. first of all, it's oil money. so here you have al gore, i think if he hadn't lectured us.
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look this is guy -- i admired mark twain's view of american politics. there will be a new reign to laugh because it's so silly. al gore is a guy on make. he has done really well. mitt romney is probably proud of him. obama, he is upper one hundredth percent. fine. that is a guy who went around lecturing the rest of us, beating us up psychologically, being morally superior and now he is taking hundred million dollars from the country whose income is from oil. this is grandly funny. this is close to saturday night live stuff than it is to serious news and people say, i got it. al gore had a shots to make lots of money. he said here is all the stuff
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i've done about global warming. he a hundred million dollars. that is what happened. >> greta: i think he would go on on book tour, today show was asking questions like that. he will be asked those questions every single interview. >> i think -- this happens to all of us. i suspect it happened to me on occasions. you have this notion you can explain the inexplicable. there is a famous movie where the sheriff killed this guy and the sheriff might have gotten off until he decided to defend himself. he begins talking. he talks. he talks. the jury stares at him. by the time he done, he is guilty. i got it. you were greedy. you took the golden ring. don't anoint us.
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don't tell us about global warming. >> greta: and about the f-16s and tanks to egypt? >> congress ought to cut off the sale. the idea of the rise of the muslim brotherhood. the only plausible enemy which you would use f-16s and stanks israel. >> greta: who gets the money from this? who is making all the money from this purchase? >> i don't know whether they are surplus or corporations in america that are building them. i just don't know the answer to that. >> in either case, there are lots of other markets in the world. egypt is very bad place to send weapons. >> greta: why would we do that? >> to prop up the egyptian government. >> greta: why would we do that? we have hillary clinton on the topic, is it money or political? >> originally we were doing it because the agreement was reached under mubarak when he
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was dictator and part of a long term relationship with egypt which had been very supportive of israel. now it's a different world and i suspect our bureaucracy hasn't caught up with reality. there is no other plausible --. >> greta: egypt is not being threatened by any neighbor. israel is not -- >> you got deserts to the west, deserts to the west and east. >> they want to brag and say, we have f-16s and tanks or they want to use them against somebody. >> they have a big military. we have been selling this stuff for the last 20 years. >> somebody is getting rich in united states on this stuff. that is real thing. somebody is making money here. gore, we are selling them because somebody gets a lot of money. gore sold his tv station.
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>> this in this case, go sell them somewhere else. >> greta: i agree. mr. speaker, thanks for being here. what do you think about al gore's selling out. tell us what you think. she was a mother of two from new york city. he has been traveling alone in turkey. she was supposed to board a plane on january 22 to return. that never happened. she did not board that plane. they released video her at a shopping mall. she is eating lb. she was dressed in jeans, leather jacket and winter hat. police did not say when the video was recorded. >> straight ahead, there is disturbing news out of syria. 65 men found dead along a syrian river bank, hands bound behind
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their backs, shot in their head. hillary clinton is here to talk about the crisis in the middle east. life on display in open court. to hear from a former boyfriend accused of murdering another ex in the shower but intimate details that he said. a live report from phoenix is next. plus, george clooney and oprah winfrey are two of the biggest stars in the world and they got caught in a birthday suit. see the picture coming up. ford c-max hybrid. when you're carrying a lot of weight, c-max has a nice little trait, you see, c-max helps you load your freight, with its foot-activated lift gate. but that's not all you'll see, cause c-max also beats prius v,
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>>. >> greta: testimony as the defense case in murder trial.
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arias is accused of slitting her ex-boyfriend's in the shower. they called another one to stand and defense lawyer is hoping to show he is a stable relationship unlike the other one. on cross-examination, brewer admitted that they had an aggressive sex life. >> i was taking photographs of you, right? >> she was taking photographs, period. >> some of it included you? >> some of it included me, sure. >> she would take pictures of you sleeping? >> i believe there were a couple shots like that. >> she took pictures? >> there was one incident in the shower when she took a picture, one. >> so she sent the picture while you were in the shower, right? >> correct. >> you didn't ask her to take that picture, she took that picture of you, right? >> yeah. >> greta: anchor troy is live with the latest. where was the defense going with
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this witness? >> that is good question. i have to say, that little soundbite, it's eerie. last images of him alive of him standing in the shower. jodie took the pictures. he didn't seem very happy that she was taking pictures, darrell brewer, jodi took pictures of him in the shower. he wasn't happy about that either. interesting parallel. >> greta: another sordid aspect, they are paying attention to is the fact that jodi has a new love life, is that right? >> that is actually a surprise to me. i met jodi in jail about a week and a half ago. i know a lot of pod mixes she was close to her cellmate. we didn't talk about whether she had a girlfriend. cellmate is being called as a witness when we get to the penalty phase. she didn't say anything about girlfriends. i was told about jail personnel,
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if they have been there a long time, even if they aren't gay, they hook up. >> greta: another weird chapter. is there any plea discussion in this case? >> there was a plea discussion. we got a hold of it here. a year and a half ago, this is before the case even got to trial at this point. jodi and her attorneys went to prosecutors said look, we'll take a second deal. if she were saying i didn't kill travis but her story hasn't changed in the plea deal she tried to get. she said i killed travis but i was pushed that way because he abused me. it's a big significant difference, we're talking death penalty versus second-degree murder. if here in arizona, it's 10-25 years. she has been in jail four years. but the prosecutor said no and we are in a death penalty case. >> greta: what is the defense
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case? >> we don't know who the next witness is going to be but there will be a couple of domestic abuse experts are trying to explain. severity of the attack on travis and try to explain that a woman had a has been abused had this type of attack. it will be an over and over and violent act. that is what we're looking at next couple of days. >> greta: and i was a defense lawyer for a number of years. first she said she didn't do it. then she said somebody else do did it and then she said she did it because of self-abuse. that is a hurdle. lawyers are going to have struggle before the jury? >> they have seen all this lies. the big thing is this. everybody watching this case. how else is jodi going to tell the jury she was abused so badly she had to killed travis unless she takes the stand. how is he is going to deal with all these lies. >> greta: she is going to have deal with it somehow.
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thank you. >> up next, breaking news out of egypt. violent protests are now raging out of control. army chief warning egypt is on the brink of collapse. hillary clinton is here to talk about the crisis. you can't blame the paparazzi on this, george clooney oprah winfrey, one of them have a pic in their birthday suit. you'll see it for yourself. what? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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>>. >> greta: warning tonight that egypt could collapse and if it does it could be catastrophic. more disturbing news, new evidence and cruel and gruesome of executions in syria. we sat down with secretary of state hillary clinton to discuss these serious developments and more. >> nice to see you? >> great to see you. >> are you okay? >> i'm good. i'm actually great. final stages of my secretary of state term, trying to get everything possibly done that i can. >> greta: did it go fast? >> it went really fast. it's hard to imagine how quickly time passed. there was so much going on. it was one thing after another, day after day. >> greta: world is turbulent and news about egypt and lot of chaos that is breaking out there. your thoughts on what we should do and what does it mean for the region? >> those are important
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questions. i think that post-the arab revolution that took place in egypt and libya and tunisia and elsewhere, there was always going to be a period of adjustment. what we have to work for along with the international community as well as people inside egypt is not to see these revolutions hijacked by extremists. not to see the return of dictorial rule, absence of the rule of law. it's hard going from decades under one party or one man rule as somebody said waking from up a political coma and understanding democracy. we have a lot at stake in trying to keep moving these transformations. >> greta: is president morsi, is with the program or not. he said horrible things about
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israelis two years ago and other things that the holocaust didn't exist. there is suspicious things he is saying. with all the turmoil, i am wondering is he with us or against us? >> we were quite concerned about those statements. the egyptian presidency repudiated them. they reaffirmed to the israel-egypt peace treaty that is core to everything that we hope to see happen in the middle east. you have to take a step back and look at the fact that the people now in power in these countries have never been in government, never had a chance to really learn how to run agencies or to make decisions. so we don't certainly condone or any way approve of what a lot of these leaders are doing or failing to do, but we also know how important it is that we try
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to avoid even more extreme elements which are active across the region. taking control of territory even threatening a regime where the people are often american educated have some ongoing commitment to make tough divisions. when i negotiated the cease-fire in gaza with president morsi, he was very involved. had i gone to israel first and went to egypt week got it done and still holding. we have to keep pushing forward and yet call it like we see it when we think something is not appropriate as we did with those statements. >> greta: when you met him, did you get a sense he as a good partner or we have to be very cautious with him? >> i think he has a lot of the right intentions, certainly in my long conversations with him, the many reports of meetings that i've received of other
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american officials. a recent congressional delegation -- you do get the impression and the team around him are trying to deal with the economy that is in very bad shape in egypt. the loss of foreign currency and investment and tourism trade. the political reforms that are necessary, but the jury out, greta. i've been around long enough. it's not what somebody says, it is what they do. some of what he has done, we have approved of and support and some of what he has done, like abrogating power on him personally and reinstating emergency law provisions that had been a hallmark of the mubarak regime are troubling. we have a balancing act as do the egyptian people as to how this is going to turn out. >> greta: i'm suspicious of him because he invited president
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bashir of sudan gave him a visit a couple months ago, he is under indictment and should have been arrested. anyone that is lending a hand to that president made me suspicious of him, in light iran is up to their eyeballs with sudan. >> we have reached out numerous times to countries that have given bashir a welcome allowed him to come to meetings. she under indictment. he does o does need to held accountable for what happened on his watch as president. on the other hand, this is long border with egypt, one of the biggest problems that egypt is facing is lack of border security. importation of weapons on their way to gaza coming out of sudan. we have a lot of very intense discussions with our egyptian
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counterparts including him as to -- let's prioritize. we need to stop extremism in egypt and need to stop weapons coming across your border and reasserted order in the sinai. it's in israel's interests. we need to stop hamas from its constant attacks on israel, something that goes to the detriment of egypt because it could be uncontrollable. we have a long list of important issues that we are raising with them. obviously their borders with libya and sudan are critical. >> your predecessor, henry kissinger said the other night iran armed with nuclear weapons that is a turning point in history. everybody lives in fear, whether president obama has said things. your predecessors, prime minister netanyahu has said it, no one wants iran to have a nuclear weapon.
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they are marching forward in time. what is going to happen there? >> as you know, our policy is prevention, not containment. we have through the hard work we've undertaken with the international community imposed the toughest set of sanctions international and bilateral on any country. we know it's having an effect. we have a great deal of evidence about the economic impact that the sanctions are having on the iranian economy, therefore on the political and clerical leadership. part of what we have to continue to do is to keep them isolated, keep all the countries including russia and china on board as they have been up to now. we have set from the very beginning, we're open to diplomacy. we are doing so in the so-called p-5 plus one formatted, but this is unacceptable path that they must stop or action will have to be taken. at this point, we are continuing
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to keep the pressure on them in the pressure track and making it clear there is not going to be any alternative but to deny them a nuclear weapons program. >> greta: i'm not suggesting military action against them. i am looking this from afar but i see a country, yes, we have sanctions but we do give waivers to some countries. some countries get to do business with them. they do get some relief. they are behind problems with syria, problems with hezbollah, with hamas. they are destabilize go to israel. we may be on different time track than their nuclear weapons problem. so, there is going to come on a time we have to make a different decision? >> we've always said all options is on the table.
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the president has been clear on that. i am glad you raised the terrorism as peculiar of iran's behavior. there is so much attention on the effort to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon that we sometimes overlook the active efforts by the iranian revolutionary guard, their proxies like the lebanese hezbollah, to engage asags nations, bombings, destabilizing countries. that has been a very challenging ongoing threat. for a while, i have to tell you, when i came into office there were too many countries that were turning a blind eye to it. we have worked very hard to get the international community particularly the region, europe and elsewhere to say wait a minute. these guys need to be stopped on the terrorism front. they can't be permitted to go forward. when we found out about the plot
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to kill the ambassador here in washington, there was disbelief on the part of a lot of countries. we produced evidence, this man pled guilty. no one should have any doubt that in addition to the nuclear threat, which i agree with dr. kissinger, is potential turning point in history not only because what it would mean to iran to intimidate, but the arms race that would instigate. we have to keep an eye on stopping on terrorism. >> greta: we have sanctions on them. if they are supplying weapons to yemen and behind hezbollah and hamas, where are they getting the money. is it from russia to help fund these terrorists? >> they are a rich country. they have a lot of economic wealth and strength that has been built up over many years. these sanctions are truly biting but there are other countries
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that try to evade the efforts that we have made to make it as difficult as possible to do business with them. we've shut down a lot of financial institutions. we have changed the behaviors of a lot of governments and others who thought they could get away with it. there are still rowing 5 nations -- rogue nations that are dependent on resources. so i think we have done a credible job of tightening the sanctions. there is more to come. we will be issuing more sanctions and identification more people, but ultimately what we want to see is iran coming to the negotiating table in the p-1 plus five format and basically say they are going to have open inspections. they claim they are not pursuing nuclear weapons. they keep referring to the
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religious fatar -- i am from the trust and verify camp when it comes to iran. this is what they say. they continue to say it. we have a body of evidence that points in the other direction. if that is true, why are they developing a missile program that has intercontent nel capacity. why are they adding centrifuges and more enriched uranium as a result. they owe the international community, not just the united states, but the security council of the united nations, they own the international atomic agency and many others an explanation as to what it is they are doing if they claim they are not pursuing nuclear weapons. >> greta: much more with hillary clinton coming up. deadly 9/11 terror attack at benz. should americans now be worried about security at all our embassies overseas or is something being done to address
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ever since the bush administration our requests for security money from congress have not been met. you have had to make priority decisions, and it's been difficult. i'm determined to the leave the state department safer and stronger and i know that john kerry will pick up the baltimore and run with it. with respect to do we go back. this was the heart of libyan revolution. we knew there were dangerous people in and around benghazi and there were a lot of lose weapons. part of what we were doing is get leads on recovering those loose weapons. we knew that there were smuggling routes to threaten israel. there were important reasons why we were there, not just the state department but other government agencies. whether or when we go back will depend on the security situation and what kind of security
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support diplomats to have. i hasten to talk about dangerous places all over the world. we have people incredibly in high threat places all around the world but because we believe that it is in the interests of national security interests. >> greta: what about the women of afghanistan? >> they are going to have to be given support from their own government and people as well as the international community. >> greta: it's grim for them? >> for a lot of women, life is better. girls are in school. women are able to practice their professions and pursue their businesses. so increasing group, life is better. still, there are all kinds of discrimination and difficulties. for a large group of rural women life has not changed very much.
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what i worry about is that the security situation will keep a total lid on the aspirations and education of the rural women and begin to intimidate and driver out of the public space women who have seen their lives improve. i think it's incouple bent upon us and all the nations that have been -- incumbent upon us to do everything to prevent that from happening. >> greta: we always see a secretary of state in a public role. i know last four years, chelsea got married. also, your biggest supporter and fan, dorothy rodham who was a big role model and all the washington, she died during the four years. there are highs and lows. >> there are. my mother really enjoyed the company of you and your husband. she was at the age of 90 plus,
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so vital and interested in people. she taught me so many lessons. i miss her every day because she was fortunate she was living with us in washington. i got to see her. every night i could come home. she was so interested in what were doing and what we had seen. i was lucky to have her along. she was a character that overcame so many hurdles in other own life and shared her love and intelligence and curiosity not only with us but everybody she met. >> greta: madam secretary, good to see you. good to see you, greta. >> straight ahead, twitter abuzz about clooney and winfrey. one got caught in their own birthday suit. forget going to disneyland if one n.f.l. coach goes to the superbowl. he may be running for political
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office. that is coming up. we're all having such a great year in the gulf,
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we've dided to put aside our rivalry. 'cause all our states are great. and now is when the gulf gets even bett. the beaches and waters couldn't be more beautil. take a boat ride or just lay in the sun. enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty. and don't forget our amazing seafood. soome to the gulf, you'll have a great time. especially in alabama. you mean mississippi. that's florida. say louisiana or there's no dessert. brought to you by bp and all of us who ca the gulf home.
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>>. >> greta: scenes of devastation in australia. forcing thousands to flee their homes and killing four. many tornadoes lashing large parts of queensland.
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helicopters getting people from rooftops and people caught in the flash flood. it's also disrupting air travel. now, to our favorite social media moment of the day. oprah winfrey and george clooney. first oprah tweeting, thanks everybody with your birthday wishes. no plans to leave pj's all day. and oprah tweeted out in her birthday suited but in her pajamas. george clooney, movie star is picking up a restaurant tab at a nearby restaurant. the party was too loud so he paid the other man $134 bill. the other customer, in fact he didn't realize it was george clooney. now to football, the "wall street journal" tweeting an n.f.l. coach considers a new job governor of new jersey, that coach is bay ven's couch randy
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brown. he was stuck in jers si town and brown says he may be eyeing a new job, governor of new jersey. right now he is focused on sunday superbowl. now to jimmy fallon's tweet. justin beiber is being investigated in hitting a security guard. he could face up six months in time out. finally, a facebook petition to get charges dropped against an indiana police officer and his wife. they could go to jail for saving the life of an injured baby deer. they are facing charges of harboring a wild animal. those of people are taking to facebook to get those charges dropped. you can join the fight. go to to find out more about the story to help this couple. what are your favorite tweets of the day? follow me on twitter at greta wire and send me your top ones
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